DBL: September Member Orientation

Dane County Humane Society 5132 Voges Rd, Madison, Wisconsin

Come join us as we go over the different benefits of being a Dane Buy Local member! This is especially helpful for new members, but it is also a great refresher for existing members. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85399454031 Meeting ID: 853 9945 4031 Phone: 312 626 6799


DBL September Breakfast

Dane County Humane Society 5132 Voges Rd, Madison, Wisconsin

September 13, 20228:00am-9:15amDane County Humane Societypresenting SponsorMain SpeakerDid you know 1 in 5 Americans are unpaid caregivers? Being a caregiver can have a negative impact on one's physical and mental health, as well as one's finances and ability to create a work/life balance. You or your employees may be dealing with this challenge right now. […]

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